Jess' Adventures in Brazil

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Quiz and Update

I am truly passionate.

Find your soul type

Virtues: You appreciate humor like none other. Puns might even spark laughter in you (TEHY R FUNNI). You seek adventure and connection with your surroundings. You seek friends who will not only share laughs with you but actually form a deep bond of trust and empathy beneath the surface. You look for adventure and courage in people, and variation is necessary to keep you under control. You see yourself as multi-faceted, so you need people who can see you in your many lights. You're constantly trying to figure yourself out while analyzing the people around you. Silly, silly people.

Aspirations: You can't decide what you want to be yet, but you know you want it to be adventures and interesting, with constant changes. You don't know what love will do for you yet, but it's competing with adventure for a place in your heart. An internal conflict has begun: can you be a successful worker, lover, and parent all at once?

Quirks: Noise of any sort is irritating when you're in the mood. Smacking gum, loud chewing, humming- it's about as pleasing as bodily noises. You dislike emaciated people because of jealousy and just plain disgust. You're a procrastinator but a hard worker, too.

Factors: You need constant attention and support. You're high-maintnence, but a great, reliable friend. Nature needs you and you need nature; it's helped thus far, so keep in touch with the outside world.

Future: Who knows! You absolutely need constant change, so vacationing is surely in the cards. Will you settle down or not? Love will find you eventually, as it does to everyone. Will you choose the sweet home life or the rewarding busy-bee life?


This is actually pretty accurate....

And nothing to do with CEED..... :P

Today I went to the optomitrist and got new glasses. I need a point stronger in my right eye and half a point in my left. When will it end! My eyes just get worse and worse >_< I got new frames though too, and I like them. They are a little darker that before, and a little smaller. And they are purple! Bonus!

I also bought a book for the plane ride and some other odds and ends that I needed.

I'm up to around 80 slides in my Canada presentation. I hope it won't be too long! I might have to cut some stuff out... but I'm already skipping so much! Haha, there's just too much to say :P

Ohhhh, and I got a goodbye present today from Patrick and Maddie. A webcam! So I will be able to show everyone a bit of Brazil while I'm there. I have to figure out how to use it though :P

Also, I finally remembered to look it up and yes... there are anime conventions in sao paulo while I'm there!! Cool, eh? Ok, so maybe I'm obsessed, but I think that's cool. Talk about an intercultural experience :P A Canadian going to a Japanese anime convention in Brazil! Haha, I wonder if it's all portugese subtitles and dubs. Quite a few of the members down there seem to be anime fans, so I can probably find out. That would be fun to go to if I am available at that time.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

I love AIESEC because...

Over on the Victoria Scope ( our wonderful alumni Celine posed this simple question:

"Why do you love AIESEC Victoria ? Blog it down.. coz this will be read for YEARS to come !"

So here I go.

I love AIESEC Victoria because this group of people, this organization, has helped me to grow so much. When I first heard about AIESEC, I was very shy and horrible with people. I had a few good friends, but few in Victoria. I was quiet and hesitant to get involved in too many things. AIESEC and the people in it have showed me how much friends mean to each other, how friends can always be there for each other, and how those ties are unbreakable. AIESEC has shown me how to be a leader, has pushed me waaaay out of my comfort zone, but also offered me a ladder with which to bring myself higher to a higher level. In AIESEC you never do anything alone. You challenge yourself, celebrate victories and analyse failures all together. It's a team. AIESEC is where everyone is your friend and you can finally just be yourself. AIESEC has given me the confidence, support and opportunity that I've always saught. And as I have grown, so has my AIESEC. Our LC, our friendships, our membership, our accomplishments, our networks. AIESEC is not perfect just as we the people who are AIESEC are not perfect. But we learn and we grow and we do it together.

And my learning is not finished yet! This CEED will be the start of a whole new type of learning! AIESEC Brazil style!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Some non-logistical stuff for once.

I've been talking to some more USP members. Doing so has made me realize the magic of AIESEC. Yesterday I talked to one of the USP SNs who is in Romania right now, Vivian. She was so friendly and willing to help! Then today I talked to a new member, Jorge, and he offered to show me around the city and help me with anything I needed. I have never even met these people, but they are automatically my friends. It's amazing. And it makes me super excited!

I also read another two chapters of my portugese book tonight... while watching playoff hockey :P How's that, eh? I wonder if there will be any playoff hockey on in Brazil... you never know!

I also started my Canada presentation tonight. I've done around 25 slides and there's still a lot to cover. I'll glad I'm doing this ahead of time instead of when I'm down there. I'll try to make it as fun and interactive as possible. And I'm putting in lots of pictures. I'll try to work on it some more tomorrow.

Tomorrow night I'm going to play softball for my old team. They are short players right now so I gladly volunteered to fill in!! I'm very happy to play as much as I can before I go! I think I will try to organize some sporting activites while I'm down there.

8 days to go!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

More Prep Stuff! - Money and Phone

Wow, today was another crazy day getting ready for Brazil.

I was supposed to have an eye doctor appointment, but I got there and they had me down for an appointment sometime in 2007 ..... -_- ..... Sooo, I had to reschedule for Friday.

After that I set about changing my flights.... again! But I did it! I am now flying May 4, and I'm flying from Toronto to Sao Paulo with Susan! I got the travel agent to put our seats together. That will be nice, since it's an 11 hour flight. So I arrive at 10:00 Friday May 5th. I'm happy with that. Should be good. The only thing is that means I have that much less time to prepare everything!

Next stop was the bank, and what a stop it was! Wow. I was fortunate enough to get a banker who had just returned from Brazil!! So I not only sorted out the money situation, but also asked him tones of questions. So, I got my limit raised on my debit card, to $1000, for both withdrawls and debits. Next, I got a second card. This one I am supposed to keep somewhere safe so that if the first one gets lost, stolen or otherwise unusable, I have a backup. Then I got my Mom put on as a joint owner of my account, so she can access it and transfer funds to it if necessary. The applies to my visa too, I think. They, she ordered an extra visa card for HER visa with my name on it. So I have that for emergencies if I need it - Access to my Mom's visa. So I now have two debit cards, a main one and a backup, and two visa accounts, mine and my moms. So I should be covered.

He also told me the best way to deal with money is to take out a bunch of cash and work through it. I get charged for every transaction, so I he said to take out like $200 or whatever and spend that and then get more. I can use my visa and debit, but I get charged every time, so cash is cheaper. Plus he said it wasn't a good idea to "flash plastic". So I will probably do that. Also, he said to use ATMs only that are attched to banks, no free standing ones. And not all the ATMs will accept my card. He said one that starts with a B takes CIBC cards, so I'll try that (I can't remember the whole name :P). And apparently when you get to the airport in sao paulo, if you turn to the left there is a whole row of different bank machines. So that is where I will get my cash. I just need someone to read the portugese intructions for me :P

We also asked him about phoning. He said that while they exists, good international phone cards are hard to come by. He recommended instead using Skype, because you can talk over the internet for free or use it to call real phone numbers and it's not too expensive. So I think I might do that. I have a Skype account and a microphone already anyways. And I think I'm going to get a webcam as well. Which means I'll probably be taking my whole computer.

If I remeber anything else, I'll add it later, but I think that covers everything from today. Tonight I might start working on my Canada powerpoint.

T-minus 9 days to departure!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

Tomorrow's forecast: Another crazy day of shopping and appointments and getting ready

Monday, April 24, 2006



My dad just brought in the mail and it had an extra special envelope! My Visa!!!!

Yay!!! I wasn't expecting it for at least another week! So this means I can look into moving my flights!! I'll have to see what is available, but wow!! I'm so excited!!

Prep Update!

I just moved home from Victoria, so things have been a litt, crazy. But being home also means it's easier for me to get ready for the big trip. I have access to a car again and I'm more familiar with what is available.

This morning I went to the travel clinic and got my shots. I got yellow fever, Heptatitis A and Typhoid. My arm is really sore right now! The lady also talked to me about prcautions against malaria if I do venture into the more rural areas (which I'd like to) and about being careful about food and water. She recommended bottled water, which is unfortanate because three and a half months of bottled water kinda sucks... but we'll see.

I also went to the bank and asked for some Brazilian money. But guess what? They don't have any and can't get any for me. So I might have to head back to Victoria to get some or go to a money changer in an airport somewhere. Hmmm.. I'll have to figure this out. I want to have some money with me when I land just in case I need it. Note to future CEEDers - banks usually like around a month to get the money in for you, so ask early!

I also stopped by my MP's (Member of Parliament) office and picked up a package. I e-mailed his office a few weeks ago and asked for some canada stuff to take, so I picked it up today and it's pretty awesome. I got a flag and tonnes of pins and stickers and some information books on Canadian government. Yay, cool stuff to take with me! And it was free!

This week I have a million appointments.... ok well four. Travel clinic today, optomitrist tomorrow (new contacts for the trip!), doctor on wednesday (just a check-up) and dentist on Thursday. Ugh, but at least it gets me out and about and I feel like I'm getting closer to Brazil! There's still lots to do, but my check-list will gradually get smaller and smaller.

The registration for CONADE came out today, so I will fill that out soon. And I have lots of questions so ask USP people next time they are online. Ohhhhhhh, I'm so excited!

Still waiting for my visa, but I'm hoping it will come early and I can move my flights up. I've been reading my potugese book and I bought a potugese/english dictionary. I wish there was someone I knew who spoke it so I could practice, but I guess I'll just have to do my best on my own. Once I get there I'm sure I will be learning very fast.

I know my Mom is still really nercous about the whole thing. I think the travel clinic scared her a little. But I'm careful and I don't do anything stupid and risky, it's just not my style. So I won't deny being a little nervous, I mean I've never lived in another country before, but I'm not as worried as she is. Then again, I never seem to freak about things until right before, haha.

I'll keep posting what I've been up to. Hopefully this will be helpful to CEEDers next year in knowing what in necessary for getting ready. It's a kind of learn as you go thing, but I figure some past experience can't hurt ;)

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Time for a happier post!

I just finished my last exam today! I am freeeeeeeeee!

Yay, this means I'll be able to dedicate more time to getting ready for my trip and learning portugese. And goofing off and enjoying my little bit of summer before I head back to winter of course!

My visa application hasn't been sent back yet, which means they are reading it! So I take that as a good sign. I'm still hoping it comes back early, but not holding my breath.

I've been amassing questions to ask of the USP members before I go. About credit cards, debit, transportation, CONADE, my computer and other stuff. Next week I have many many appointments with the doctor, travel clinic, optomitrist and dentist. I think that about covers everything :P

Oh and if anyone is interested, we started an LC blog for AIESEC Victoria. You can have a look at it here: I hope people continute to write in it over the summer so I can keep track of what's happening in my home LC while I'm gone ^_^

On Sunday I'm leaving Victoria and heading back to Nanaimo. It will be a rather boring three weeks that I have to wait before i fly. But I'm sure I'll find stuff to keep me busy.

It turns out I will be the last one to arrive in Brazil, of the three CEEDers going :P. Haha, I guess that's ok since I will be staying the longest. Too bad Rita and I can't fly together, she's going to meet my LC before I do! I'm jealous! Haha. As long I make it for CONADE I'll be satisfied.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Change of plans and some minor crises

I haven't written anything for a while....

Partly because it's exam period and despite what people will say, I do actually study for my tests :P

Partly because the last week and a half has been one crisis after another for my CEED, at least it seemed that way to me! Needless to say, I've been a little stressed out and things haven't gone quite according to plan :P

I found on Monday nightlast week that the payment for my flights had been due that day and Travel Cuts hadn't recieved it yet. So those flights I booked? .... bye bye. Then, the same night, my Mom called me and said my visa had been rejected. Why? Because I sent the wrong kind of cheque! I didn't know there were different kinds. So Monday night I was panicing that all my plans were falling apart.

On Tuesday I went to travelcuts and looked into some new flights. The same ones were no longer available and I had to push my departure day back because I needed to allow time for my new visa application. So I booked some flights and tried to call AIESEC Canada to ask for help. Unfortunatly, Karolina, who's in charge of exchange and all of the CEEDers, wasn't in the office that day. I didn't know when to book my flights for because I didn't know how long the visa would take. The Brazillian websites are so inconsistent. One website says it takes 10 working days, another 15, another 20. I didn't know what to do. So I tried calling the consolate directly. No answer. For a Brazillian visa you also have to send a plane ticket and I didn't know if a reserved ticket was good enough, or if I had to have an actual, paid for ticket. I wasn't sure what size picture they needed because one site said they wanted 3.5 x 4 cm and another site said they wanted 5 x 7 cm. I wasn't sure what to put for where I was staying. Ahhhhhh, I was going crazy! So many questions and no answers. Plus, my new plane tickets could only be help for 24 hours, which meant they had to be finallized the next day or I would lose them again.

Now it was Wednesday. Finally, I got a hold of someone at the consolate (by calling the embassy first) and the lady there tried to answer my questions. Feeling a little relieved, I finished my application and headed over to travel cuts. I changed my flights again, this time so that I would have 22 working days by the time I sent in my application to the time I fly. That way I figured I was covered. I called Tai, the finance person at AIESEC Canada, and she was so helpful and did all my paperwork right away. I had my flights booked and paid for in a few hours. Then, I was off the the post office and sent my new and improved application by overnight mail to the consolate in Toronto. Hopefully everything was correct this time. I asked one of the AIESEC USP members, Koba, for his address and phone number for the application. Apparently an important thing for Brazillian visas is proving that you have somewhere to stay.

So by Wednesday afternoon, my flights were booked and my application was off to Toronto. It's not perfect, but hopefully everything will work out this time.

As it stands, I will now be flying out on May 16th and arriving the morning of May 17th. This is unfortunate because that is the day CONADE starts and the rest of my host LC will be leaving at 5:00 am to get there on time. Which means I won't have much of a reception, and then I will be somewhat on my own to get to the conference, and I'll be late. As I said, not ideal. But that's the best I could do.

If I have any more problems wit my visa I will have to delay it even further, which would mean missing CONADE, and I would hate that. But if by some miracle my visa comes sooner, I will change my flights if I can to go earlier. I'd really rather not get off an 11 hour plane ride and have to find my way to the conference, but if I have to, I will.

There isn't much I can do now but wait and see. I might call the consolate this week and ask them how it's going. I don't think there's anything I can do to make them process it any faster. Just hope I guess.

Here's some advice to future CEEDers: Get your visa application in as soon as you can! It takes a long time, and if you mess up, it takes forever to fix! Ask questions and make sure you get it right the first time. And yes, there are different kinds of cheques :P

In the meantime, I've been talking to people online and trying to learn a few more words. I also found out that obe of the professors from my university is in sao paulo doing research on recycling! This is right up my alley so I might try to meet up with this person while I'm down there.

I haven't got any of my shots yet. I need to look into that soon. I will have three weeks at home now before I fly though, so I figure I have time. Next week I have a gazillion appointments.... dentist, doctor, optomitrist etc. Should be fun, eh? Haha.

So I'm less stressed than I was, but still a little worried. I can't help that, I'm a worrier!

Once I'm done my exams I'll be able to ficus more on learning portugese and researching things about Brazil. I still have so much to learn. I should make a to do list of all the things I want to do while I'm there! I will be a very long list ;)

Hopefully I will have some good news to post soon, and I'll try to write more often.

I hope this very long post is somewhat coherent!

Tah tchau!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Flights are Booked!

My Flights!!

I removed my flight information since it's no longer accurate. I'll post my new flights soon.

And the whole process was really fast! Wow, I leave in 25 days! So much to prepare!

I will be sending off my visa application tomorrow if all goes well.