Jess' Adventures in Brazil

Monday, April 24, 2006

Prep Update!

I just moved home from Victoria, so things have been a litt, crazy. But being home also means it's easier for me to get ready for the big trip. I have access to a car again and I'm more familiar with what is available.

This morning I went to the travel clinic and got my shots. I got yellow fever, Heptatitis A and Typhoid. My arm is really sore right now! The lady also talked to me about prcautions against malaria if I do venture into the more rural areas (which I'd like to) and about being careful about food and water. She recommended bottled water, which is unfortanate because three and a half months of bottled water kinda sucks... but we'll see.

I also went to the bank and asked for some Brazilian money. But guess what? They don't have any and can't get any for me. So I might have to head back to Victoria to get some or go to a money changer in an airport somewhere. Hmmm.. I'll have to figure this out. I want to have some money with me when I land just in case I need it. Note to future CEEDers - banks usually like around a month to get the money in for you, so ask early!

I also stopped by my MP's (Member of Parliament) office and picked up a package. I e-mailed his office a few weeks ago and asked for some canada stuff to take, so I picked it up today and it's pretty awesome. I got a flag and tonnes of pins and stickers and some information books on Canadian government. Yay, cool stuff to take with me! And it was free!

This week I have a million appointments.... ok well four. Travel clinic today, optomitrist tomorrow (new contacts for the trip!), doctor on wednesday (just a check-up) and dentist on Thursday. Ugh, but at least it gets me out and about and I feel like I'm getting closer to Brazil! There's still lots to do, but my check-list will gradually get smaller and smaller.

The registration for CONADE came out today, so I will fill that out soon. And I have lots of questions so ask USP people next time they are online. Ohhhhhhh, I'm so excited!

Still waiting for my visa, but I'm hoping it will come early and I can move my flights up. I've been reading my potugese book and I bought a potugese/english dictionary. I wish there was someone I knew who spoke it so I could practice, but I guess I'll just have to do my best on my own. Once I get there I'm sure I will be learning very fast.

I know my Mom is still really nercous about the whole thing. I think the travel clinic scared her a little. But I'm careful and I don't do anything stupid and risky, it's just not my style. So I won't deny being a little nervous, I mean I've never lived in another country before, but I'm not as worried as she is. Then again, I never seem to freak about things until right before, haha.

I'll keep posting what I've been up to. Hopefully this will be helpful to CEEDers next year in knowing what in necessary for getting ready. It's a kind of learn as you go thing, but I figure some past experience can't hurt ;)


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