Jess' Adventures in Brazil

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Essential Lessons from Plan

Hey, I haven't updated for a while because I haven't had access and time. I seem to have one, but not the other, at any given moment, which makes it tricky. :P


Originally I wrote a big long post about the whole LC Planning process and my experiences as a faci for the sessions. But then I thought that it was rather long and boring for those not interested in such things. So if anyone should so desire that I explain how we modeled out LC planning with the AIESEC 2010 Scorecard, by all means ask me and I will be glad to tell you ;)

Overall it was a crazy and stressful but fun weekend. We had meetings until all hours of the night and delivered sessions on almost zero sleep, with ENERGY! We reararranged the agenda like a million times and still managed to get almost everything done :P

Here's a list of "interesteing" things I learned at Plan:

- Flash drives are amongst the best inventions ever. They save sanity.
- Doing vision sessions on mattresses does not lead to active listening
- When you are running on no sleep even the World Cup Final cannot keep you awake
- I suck, and I mean really suck, at Samurai Intergalactica
- Brigadeiro makes an excellent midday snack
- When people are half asleep you have to be very specific with your intructions
- Gotta love the inputs
- I like the CSFs, but the KPIs are still evil
- When you are sleep deprived you can't tell if you are listening to Portuguese or English
- Freed from Desire should be required learning for New Members
- Tunuk Tunuk will always be more popular than it should be
- If you have an election, and there's a pool nearby, you probably don't want to win
- On USP roadtrips you discuss the merits of the Brazillian military
- A giant hat will ALWAYS get around ;)
- Queen + Rubinho = the funniest rendition of We Will Rock You ever created
- And last but not least.... When we are all at our wits end, we will be saved by the $R1 cookies

*Note: pictures will be coming soon, but this computer doesn't have a USB port (stone age?... just kidding) so I have to add them later*


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