Jess' Adventures in Brazil

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Learning the Language

Tonight Igor taught me some Portugese! I wrote out all the pronouns and we picked a regular verb and congugated it. Then I picked some other regular verbs and applied the congugation pattern. I actually figured most of them out! Then he taught me some useful verbs that didn't follow the pattern, like TO BE and TO GO. Now that I could say things like "I want...." we wrote out some useful nouns, things like "bus", "car", "house", "carrots" :P. Then I learned the numbers to 20. I almost have them memorized, but for some reason I keep getting stuck on eight @_@.

There are some similarities between french and protugese. On one hand this is helpful because words are similar and therefore easier to remember since I still remember a fair amount of my french vocabulary. On the other hand, it makes it tricky because I try to pronounce things as I would with French, and it's wrong. Like "er" at the end of a word is actually pronouced as it looks, and not as "ay" like in French. It will take some practice to avoid that.

Obviously I am just barely scratching the surface, but I'm looking forward to learning more. I haven't studied a language for several years, but as long as there's no homework or marks, I'm set!

Here's some first attempts*:

Eu quero treis pizzas

Nos gostamus arroz

Ele come alface

Eles compram batata

*sorry for any spelling mistakes and the lack of accents...


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