MASP and more!
Take the challenge!
Then I had a really awesome meeting with Renata. She is doing some case studies for the infrastructure task force and I showed her how to find the resources she needs and how to do everything. And she was really excited about it. Plus, today she found out that she is going to Mexico in July for a CEED!! It’s so exciting, I’m very happy for her. After that, I had a really good chat with Super and Rubens about Pboxes and LC direction. Then Super and I went to another bandejon (the cheap cafeteria) and then caught the bus downtown to Paulista Ave.
ahhhh, Paulista
We walked down Paulista Ave, which is the business centre of Latin America, and headed to MASP, which would be translated as the Art Museum of Sao Paulo. There was a show all about Edgar Degas, who I had never heard of but he’s not bad. They also had some really famous stuff there. I saw Picasso and Van Gogh and Renoir and a bunch of other really well known art. Plus, they had a HUGE bust of Augustus. Ahhh, I love Roman art. It’s so powerful. So we wandered around the museum for a few hours and then headed back out to Paulista.
OK, so I didn't actually take this picture.. It's MASP
We walked down the rest of the avenue and the Super went to go buy a new cell phone and I headed home on the subway. I finally went to what I call the chocolate subway station (Brigadeiro ststaion)
It was really nice to get out of the office, even if I did have stuff to do :P I still have to work some more on my travel plans, but I can’t do anything until I get replies to some emails.
I have two important meetings tomorrow, one for the education learning circle and one for the infrastructure task force. Then Friday should be interesting. I am supposed to be in two places at once to I’ll have to figure that out.
I made sure today to take some pictures! I hope you like them.
P.S. The lady who does nails came beck today! Check it out!
Love the pictures especially the nails. Go Brazil!!!
Anonymous, at 4:43 p.m.
i like pictures...i'm glad you had a chance to get out of the office *cough* workalcoholic *cough*
Anonymous, at 9:17 p.m.
aaaaaaagh soccer players
It's wierd that soccer (do they call it football there?) is so popular in the rest of the world, but is more or less ignored in Canada and the US.
Anonymous, at 11:58 p.m.
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